1. Why would you even want to do that?
  2. How this guide is built? (must read)
  3. Requirements
  4. Which server to choose and how to connect?
    1. Which server to choose?
    2. How to connect?
      1. Using VSCode (recommended for ease of use)
      2. Using a terminal
  5. Should you use Usenet and/or Torrents?
    1. Quick comparison
    2. Usenet
    3. Torrents
  6. Setup preliminaries
    1. Connect to your server
    2. Install Docker
    3. Setup the directory tree
    4. Setup permissions
  7. Understand the architecture
  8. Setup Docker compose
    1. Setup docker-compose.yml
    2. Setup .env
    3. Start Docker compose
  9. Setup subdomains and HTTPS
    1. Setup the subdomains
    2. Setup Caddy
  10. Setup download clients
    1. Usenet
    2. torrents
  11. Setup Prowlarr
  12. Setup Bazarr
    1. General
    2. Languages
    3. Providers
    4. Sonarr & Radarr
  13. Setup *arr apps
    1. Root folder
    2. Language
    3. Quality
    4. Download clients
    5. General
  14. Setup Plex
  15. Setup Overseerr
    1. Radarr & Sonarr
  16. How to use
    1. Overseerr
    2. Plex
  17. Going forward

The Ultimate Guide to Setup Your Own Streaming Service with Sonarr, Radarr, Plex... using Usenet/Torrents

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to setting up your own movie and series streaming service using Sonarr, Radarr, Overseer, and Plex. Whether you prefer using Usenet or torrents, this guide has got you covered. Designed for both beginners and power users, the guide will help you stream your favorite movies and series with ease. Say goodbye to the hassle of unreliable streaming services and hello to endless entertainment with the help of this ULTIMATE Guide.

Why would you even want to do that?

Although the rise of other streaming services than Netflix had a very positive impact on the industry -- for the customer it means paying more and more monthly fees to streaming services, which can become very costly.

The setup carefully documented in this article -- while tedious if you don't have access to this ULTIMATE guide :) -- can save you a great amount of money while freeing you from large companies.

How this guide is built? (must read)

This guide is meant to serve all users, from beginners to power users, from a simple configuration to a more complete one with more features and a better ease of use.

This said, at the beginning of each part, a section will explain what it is about and if you can skip it.


Which server to choose and how to connect?

You can freely skip this part if you already have a server and you know how to connect to it. Just be careful to make sure to have the recommended specifications defined below.

Which server to choose?

Your server will store movies and series, this uses a lot of storage, therefore you need to rent a server specialized in storage, a server which have a lot of storage available for a fair price. Many popular server providers have those kind of offers. They are often called Storage VPS.

Also you must be careful of the connection speed available (in Mbps or Gbps). In my opinion your server must have at least 500 Mps even if 1 Gbps is always better.

I also recommend having more than 2 GB of RAM available.


I personally rent the STOR-4 offer at PulseHeberg but you absolutely don't need to rent here, many more hosting providers provide Storage VPS offers.

When you get the choice of the operating system, I recommend using the latest version of Ubuntu, it will make following this tutorial easier.

How to connect?

When you rent a server you get provided my two key information, the IP address of your server and the root password.


For security reasons, using the root user is a bad idea, but this goes out of the scope of this tutorial. Do your researches.

  1. Install VSCode.
  2. Install the Remote - SSH extension.
  3. Click the bottommost-leftmost button > Connect to Host... > Add New SSH Host...
  4. Type ssh root@<server-ip> (replace <server-ip> with your server IP address).
  5. Enter the provided password.
  6. Press ctrl + shift + ` to open a terminal window.

Using a terminal

  1. Type ssh root@<server-ip> (replace <server-ip> with your server IP address).
  2. Enter the provided password.

Should you use Usenet and/or Torrents?

You can freely skip this part if you are already sure you'll use Usenet and/or Torrents. Just be careful to make sure to follow the appropriate instructions for each.

Quick comparison

pricepaidmostly free
speedalways fastreally depends


Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system available on computers according to Wikipedia. Basically, people upload all kind of stuff to usenet, including movies, series, books and musics.

To access Usenet, you need a server and Usenet servers are too expensive to be self-hosted, consequently you usually rent part of them.

Also to actually find content on Usenet you need something like a search engine, which is called an indexer in this context. Some free indexers exists out there but they usually have important limitations, consequently, the usage of a paid one is strongly recommended.


I personally subscribed to Eweka for the Usenet server and NZGgeek for the Usenet indexer but you absolutely don't need to choose them, many more providers exist.


BitTorrent (torrents) is a communication protocol for peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P), which enables users to distribute data and electronic files over the Internet in a decentralized manner according to Wikipedia.

To be able to search for torrents you need something like a search engine, which is called an tracker in this context.

3 types of trackers exist, public ones, semi-private ones and private ones.

You generally cannot register to private trackers.

For semi-private trackers you need to register to access them and you need to maintain a ratio. This means that you need to share the files you previously downloaded at least as much as you downloaded them. In practice this means that you should not delete your files once you downloaded them so others are able to download theirs from you.

For public trackers you don't need to maintain a ratio but you still should, because if nobody shares the files they download, nobody would be able to download them. Be fair.

Setup preliminaries

You cannot skip this part.

Connect to your server

See this.

Install Docker

Steps from here.

sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin

Setup the directory tree

Go to your desired directory (eg. ~/).

Create this folder structure:

├── config
│   ├── bazarr
│   ├── lidarr
│   ├── overseerr
│   ├── plex
│   ├── prowlarr
│   ├── flood-rtorrent
│   ├── radarr
│   ├── readarr
│   ├── sabnzbd
│   └── sonarr
└── data
    ├── media
    │   ├── books
    │   ├── movies
    │   ├── musics
    │   └── series
    ├── torrent
    │   ├── library
    │   └── other
    └── usenet
        ├── library
        └── other

You can use those commands to do it automatically for you.

mkdir -p library/config library/data
cd library/config
mkdir overseerr prowlarr bazarr sabnzbd flood-rtorrent sonarr radarr lidarr readarr plex
cd ../data
mkdir -p media/movies media/series media/books media/musics
mkdir -p usenet/library usenet/other
mkdir -p torrent/library torrent/other
cd ..

Setup permissions

sudo useradd library-user
sudo chown -R library-user:library-user .

🎉 You're done with the basics 🎉

Understand the architecture

You cannot skip this step.

graph LR

User--request a movie/series-->Overseerr
Overseerr--if movie-->Radarr
Overseerr--if series-->Sonarr
Readarr & Lidarr & Radarr & Sonarr--search through indexers-->Indexers
Bazarr--download subtitles-->Plex
Indexers--"send NZB (usenet)"-->SABnzbd
Indexers--send torrent file-->Flood/rTorrent
SABnzbd & Flood/rTorrent--move to library-->Plex
Plex--accessible to-->User

The graph above is a simplified version, if you want to understand the architecture more deeply extent the one below.

Real architecture
graph LR

subgraph .
  Readarr & Lidarr & Radarr & Sonarr
  Bazarr--download subtitles-->Plex
subgraph 1. request
  User--request a movie/series-->Overseerr
  Overseerr--if movie--->Radarr
  Overseerr--if series--->Sonarr
subgraph 2. search
  Prowlarr--sync indexers across *arr apps-->Indexers
  Readarr & Lidarr & Radarr & Sonarr --1st--- A[search through indexers]:::empty -->Indexers
subgraph .
  Readarr & Lidarr & Radarr & Sonarr--3rd---D[move to library]:::empty-->Plex
  Indexers-->E[give the download file]:::empty-->Readarr & Lidarr & Radarr & Sonarr
subgraph 3. download
  Readarr & Lidarr & Radarr & Sonarr--2nd---B["send NZB (usenet)"]:::empty-->SABnzbd
  Readarr & Lidarr & Radarr & Sonarr--2nd---C[send torrent file]:::empty-->Flood/rTorrent

classDef empty width:0px,height:0px;

Setup Docker compose

You cannot skip this part.

Setup docker-compose.yml

cd <your-library-directory>
sudo touch docker-compose.yml
sudo chmod a+w docker-compose.yml

Edit the file using either code docker-compose.yml or nano docker-compose.yml.

Paste this inside
    image: sctx/overseerr:latest
    container_name: library-overseerr
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/overseerr:/app/config
      - 5055:5055
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/prowlarr:develop
    container_name: library-prowlarr
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/prowlarr:/config
      - 9696:9696
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/bazarr:latest
    container_name: library-bazarr
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/bazarr:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data:/data
      - 6767:6767
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/sabnzbd:latest
    container_name: library-sabnzbd
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/sabnzbd:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data/usenet:/data/usenet
      - 8080:8080
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: jesec/flood
    container_name: library-flood
    user: ${PUID}:${PGID}
    command: --port 8081 --allowedpath /data
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/flood-rtorrent:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data/torrent:/data
      - 8081:8081
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: jesec/rtorrent
    container_name: library-rtorrent
    user: ${PUID}:${PGID}
    command: -o network.port_range.set=6881-6881,system.daemon.set=true
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/flood-rtorrent:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data/torrent:/data
      - 6881:6881
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/sonarr:latest
    container_name: library-sonarr
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/sonarr:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data:/data
      - 8989:8989
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/radarr:latest
    container_name: library-radarr
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/radarr:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data:/data
      - 7878:7878
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/lidarr:latest
    container_name: library-lidarr
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/lidarr:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data:/data
      - 8686:8686
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/readarr:develop
    container_name: library-readarr
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/readarr:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data:/data
      - 8787:8787
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/plex:latest
    container_name: library-plex
    network_mode: host
      - .env
      - $ROOT_DIR/config/plex:/config
      - $ROOT_DIR/data/media:/data/media
    restart: unless-stopped

As you can see this file is composed of a list of services: overseerr, prowlarr, bazarr...

Setup .env

cd <your-library-directory>
sudo touch .env
sudo chmod a+w .env

Edit the file using either code .env or nano .env.

Paste this inside


Run id library-user and paste the uid value to the PUID variable and the the gid value to the PGID variable.

Set the TZ variable to your timezone.

Set the ROOT_DIR variable to the output of the pwd command.

Start Docker compose

cd <your-library-directory>
sudo docker compose up -d

🎉 You're done with Docker compose 🎉

Setup subdomains and HTTPS

You can freely skip this part if you don't have a domain name or don't want to setup it. If you have a domain name it's recommended to setup this for ease of use of your home brewed library and being able to access it with a secure HTTPS connection.

Setup the subdomains

Connect to your DNS provider dashboard. It will look similar to this:

Cloudflare DNS configuration panel before configuration

You need to add a A record for every subdomain the content of the record will be your server's IP address. It will look similar to this:

Cloudflare DNS configuration panel after configuration

Setup Caddy

Install Caddy (steps from here).

sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https
curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/caddy/stable/gpg.key' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/caddy/stable/debian.deb.txt' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy

Create the configuration file

cd <your-library-directory>
sudo touch Caddyfile
sudo chmod a+w Caddyfile

Edit the file using either code Caddyfile or nano Caddyfile.

Paste this inside
overseerr.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:5055
prowlarr.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:9696
bazarr.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:6767
sabnzbd.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:8080
flood.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:8081
sonarr.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:8989
radarr.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:7878
lidarr.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:8686
readarr.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:8787
plex.example.org {
	reverse_proxy localhost:32400

Replace example.org with your domain name.

Run Caddy

cd <your-library-directory>
sudo caddy stop
sudo caddy start


In the guide you will often find configuration panels similar to this one:

Common configuration panel

You will always need to set host to <service-name>.<your-domain-name> instead of what asked, port to 443 instead of what asked and check the SSL checkbox.

🎉 You're done with Caddy 🎉

Setup download clients

You cannot skip this part.


Allow remote access to SABnzbd.

cd <your-library-directory>
cd config/sabnzbd
sudo chmod a+rw sabnzbd.ini

Edit the file using either code sabnzbd.ini or nano sabnzbd.ini. Modify the variable inet_exposure (line 33) to inet_exposure = 4.


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should also modify the variable host_whitelist (line 148) by adding your hostname at the end. It will look similar to host_whitelist = 78d983e0ae14,sabnzbd.example.org.

Restart Docker compose using sudo docker compose restart.

Access SABnzbd in a browser (<your-server-ip>:8080).


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should access it using sabnzbd.example.org.

Select the desired language, click Start Wizard.

Configure the fields according to what your Usenet providers gives you. For example with those information:

Demo Usenet provider information

I would setup SABnzbd like this:

Demo SABnzbd configuration

Click Test Server to make sure you entered the fields correctly, click Next, click Go to SABnzbd, click the top-right gear icon, click General.

Set a SABnzbd Username and a SABnzbd Password and click the Save Changes button bellow, click OK in the popup and wait for the restart to complete. You can now login and go to the settings again.

Go to the Folders tab and configure the Completed Download Folder to /data/usenet, save changes.

Go to the Catagories tab and remove all the default categories using the trash bin icons on the right. Configure the default category's Folder/Path to other, save. Add a new category named library with Folder/Path set to library, click Add.

Go to the Switches tab and tick Direct Unpack under Queue, save.

🎉 You're done with SABnzbd 🎉


Access Flood in a browser (<your-server-ip>:8081).


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should access it using flood.example.org.

TODO: see with Mark what's needed.

Login with user: admin, pwd: adminadmin. Click the settings gear on the top.

Set the Default Save Path under Saving Management to /data/torrent/other.

Go to the Web UI tab and set a Username and a Password under Authentication.

Go all the way down and click Save.

On the left panel, under CATEGORIES, right click All, then Add category... and set the name to library and the save path to /data/torrent/library.

🎉 You're done with Flood 🎉

Setup Prowlarr

You cannot skip this part.

Access Prowlarr in a browser (<your-server-ip>:9696).


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should access it using prowlarr.example.org.

Click Add indexer on the top panel, search for the Usenet or torrent indexers you want to add and click on Save.


In my case I search for NZBgeek and fill this form with my NZBgeek's API key. Prowlarr form I also want this indexer to have the most priority so I set the Indexer priority field to 1. Then I want to add a french torrent indexer but with a priority set to 2 etc.


If you don't want to use Usenet and you don't know what torrent indexers to use, set the Privacy filter to Public and add some.

On the left side panel click Settings, then General, set the Authentication field to Form (Login Page), fill the Username and Password fields and click Save on the top panel.

On the left side panel click Settings, then UI, then you may want to change some formats under the Dates category and click Save on the top panel.

On the left side panel click Settings, then Apps, then the + icon.

These steps will need to be repeated for Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr (if you want to download music/audio) and Readarr (if you want to download eBooks).

Click on Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr/Readarr.

Set Sync Level to Full Sync.

In the Prowlarr Server field enter http://<your-server-ip>:9696, replace <your-server-ip> by your server IP address.


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should set the field to prowlarr.example.org instead.

In the *arr Server field enter http://<your-server-ip>:<the-*arr-app-port>, replace <the-*arr-app-port> by 8989 for Sonarr, by 7878 for Radarr, by 8686 for Lidarr and by 8787 for Readarr.


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should set the field to <the-*arr-app-name>.example.org instead.

Access the *arr app using a browser, on the left side panel click Settings, then General, then copy the API Key under Security. Paste it in the ApiKey field, press Save.

🎉 You're done with Prowlarr 🎉

Setup Bazarr

You cannot skip this part.

Access Bazarr in a browser (<your-server-ip>:6767).


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should access it using bazarr.example.org.


On the left side panel click Settings, then General, set the Authentication field to Form, fill the Username and Password fields and click Save on the top panel.


On the left side panel click Settings, then Languages, in the Languages Filter field select the language(s) you want to request for subtitles and click Add New Profile.

Write Main in the Name field. Click on Add Language n times while n being the number of languages your want your subtitles in. In the second row of the table make sure each line have a unique language. Click Save.

Enable the two switches under Default Settings, click on Save on the upper panel.


On the left side panel click Settings, then Providers, then click on +. Most subtitles providers require login-in, therefore you will most likely need to first create an account on the provider website and then fill your Username and Password of that provider the fields you will get after selecting a provider.

I personally recommend to add at least OpenSubtitles.com and then to scroll though the list to see if some providers may provide you with subtitles in your native language.

Click on Save each time and on + again if you want to add another one.

Click on the top panel Save button.

Sonarr & Radarr

On the left side panel click Settings, then Sonarr, then enable it.

Fill the Address field with <your-server-ip>.


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should fill the Address field with sonarr.example.org, the Port field with 443 and enable SSL.

Access the Sonarr app using a browser, on the left side panel click Settings, then General, then copy the API Key under Security. Paste it in the API Key field.

Press Test and then the Save button on the top panel.

On the left side panel click Settings, then Radarr, then enable it and then perform the same last actions but with Radarr.

🎉 You're done with Bazarr 🎉

Setup *arr apps

These steps will show the setup for all Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr and Readarr apps at the same time because they are very similar. You are free to skip either Lidarr and/or Readarr if you don't want to download musics/audios and/or eBooks respectively.

Access *arr in a browser (<your-server-ip>:<the-*arr-app-port>), replace <the-*arr-app-port> by 8989 for Sonarr, by 7878 for Radarr, by 8686 for Lidarr and by 8787 for Readarr.


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should set the field to <the-*arr-app-name>.example.org instead.

Root folder

On the left side panel click Settings, then Media Management.

Sonarr and Radarr specific

Click on Add Root Folder under Root folders. Navigate to /data/media/series/ for Sonarr, to /data/media/movies/ for Radarr and click Ok.

Lidarr and Readarr specific

Click on + under Root folders. Set the Name field to Main. For the Path field navigate to /data/media/musics/ for Lidarr, to /data/media/books/ for Readarr and click Save.


Sonarr specific

On the left side panel click Settings, then Profiles, then click on English under Language Profiles. You may want to add more languages then English, tick the one you want, change the Name field to Main and click Save.

Radarr specific

On the left side panel click Settings, then Profiles, then for each quality you will use: click the quality name, set the Language field to Original and click Save.


Sonarr and Radarr specific

On the left side panel click Settings, then Quality, then click on Show Advanced's gear icon on the top. I my case I watch movies and series in 1080p, so for each quality name that contains 1080 I will set its corresponding Max field to something like 67,5. This way, *arr will only download files with a maximum ratio of 4GB per hour. Otherwise your server's disk will get full quickly. Radarr requires you to set a Preferred value too. Click Save.

Download clients

On the left side panel click Settings, then Download Clients, then click on +.

Usenet specific

Click on SABnzbd, write SABnzbd in the Name field. Write <your-server-ip> in the Host field and 8080 in the Port field.


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should write sabnzbd.example.org in the Host field, 443 in the Port field and tick Use SSL.

Access SABnzbd in a new tab. Click on the top-right gear icon, then the General tab and copy the API Key under Security. Paste this key in the API Key field.

Fill the Username and Password fields with the same one you used in the SABnzbd settings.

Write library in the Category field and press Save.

Torrent specific

TODO: see with Mark what's needed

Go down, click on qBittorrent, write qBittorrent in the Name field. Write <your-server-ip> in the Host field and 8081 in the Port field.


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should write qbittorrent.example.org in the Host field, 443 in the Port field and tick Use SSL.

Fill the Username and Password fields with the same one you used in the SABnzbd settings.

Write library in the Category field and press Save.


On the left side panel click Settings, then General, set the Authentication field to Form (Login Page), fill the Username and Password fields and click Save on the top panel.

Sonarr specific


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS on the left side panel click Settings, then General, you must set the Application URL field under Host to https://sonarr.example.org and click Save.

On the left side panel click Settings, then UI, then you may want to change some formats under the Calendar and Dates categories and click Save on the top panel.

🎉 You're done with one *arr app 🎉

Now do this again for each *arr app :).

🎉 You're done with every *arr app 🎉

Setup Plex

You cannot skip this part.

cd <your-library-directory>
sudo docker compose stop

Edit the .env file using either code .env or nano .env.

Go to plex.tv/claim and paste the code to your PLEX_CLAIM variable.

Relaunch Docker compose using sudo docker compose up -d.

Access Plex in a browser (<your-server-ip>:32400).


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should access it using plex.example.org.

Click GOT IT!, close the popup, give your library a nice name.

Click ADD LIBRARY, then Movies, then NEXT, then BROWSE FOR MEDIA FOLDER, browse to /data/media/movies, click ADD LIBRARY.

Click ADD LIBRARY, then TV Shows, write Series in the Name field, then click on NEXT, then BROWSE FOR MEDIA FOLDER, browse to /data/media/series, click ADD LIBRARY.

Click ADD LIBRARY, then TV Shows, write Musics in the Name field, then click on NEXT, then BROWSE FOR MEDIA FOLDER, browse to /data/media/musics, click ADD LIBRARY.

Click on NEXT then DONE, uncheck Live TV, Movies & Shows and Music, click on FINISH SETUP, close the popup.

Click the top-right wrench icon.

On the left side panel, scroll down and click on Library under SETTINGS. Tick Scan my library automatically and Scan my library periodically. Set the Generate video preview thumbnails and Generate chapter thumbnails fields to as a scheduled task and when media is added and click on SAVE CHANGES.

On the left side panel, click on Quality under PLEX WEB, here you may want to set a different default Video quality, 10 Mbps, 1080p as for myself.

You can now directly access Plex via plex.tv.

🎉 You're done with Plex 🎉

Setup Overseerr

You cannot skip this part.

Access Overseerr in a browser (<your-server-ip>:5055).


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should access it using overseerr.example.org.

Sign in with Plex.

Click the refresh icon on the right, wait and select the first entry. Click on Save changes, select Movies and Series and click on Continue.

Radarr & Sonarr

Click on Add Radarr Server, tick Default server, write Radarr in the Server name field, write <your-server-ip> in the Hostname or IP Address field.


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should write radarr.example.org instead, write 443 in the Port field and tick Use SSL.

Access the Radarr app using a browser, on the left side panel click Settings, then General, then copy the API Key under Security. Paste it in the API Key field.

Click the Test yellow button. Select your desired quality profile, select the only root folder available.

Sonarr specific

Select the only language profile available, select your desired anime quality profile, select the only root folder available, select the only anime language profile available and tick Season Folders.

Tick Enable Scan and click Add Server.

Perform the same last actions but with Sonarr now.

Click Finish Setup.

Click Settings, the Users tab, go down a bit and tick Auto-Approve, then tick Auto-Request and click Save Changes.

🎉 You're done with Overseerr 🎉

How to use

You can freely skip this part if you already know how to use Overseerr and Plex.


Congratulations for following up this guide until the end! Now you are able to request a movie/series/TV show directly from Overseerr and watch it from Plex.

Access Overseerr in a browser (<your-server-ip>:5055).


If you set up the subdomains and HTTPS you should access it using overseerr.example.org.

Search for a movie/series/TV show on the top search bar, select the correct one, click request, if it's a series you select the season(s) you want, click confirm and that's it!

If you click on that movie again you can quickly access it's corresponding Sonarr/Radarr page.

I can recommend you lurking around the app to discover nice features and have fun while your movie is downloading :)


Access Plex in a browser via plex.tv.

Click on the top-right wrench icon, on the left side panel click on Manage Library Access.

You can easily invite your friends and family to your Plex and Overseer, just ask them to create a Plex account, then you can add them by clicking on GRANT LIBRARY ACCESS and entering their email/username. This way they can request movies too and watch them too, just like you.

I can recommend you lurking around the app to discover nice features :)

Going forward

You can freely skip this step if you want to.

In this part it will not be a step-by-step guide but ideas to improve your nearly set up ULTIMATE Overseerr n' Plex n' chill.

This guide has been a long time in the planning and writing process. If you enjoyed it consider writing a comment to this article and following me on Github (@Hunam6) and Twitter (@Hunam_). Thank you 🙏

Made by ❤️ with 🌸 power by @Hunam6.